What Advice Are You Grateful To Share With Others About Chronic Pain?
Some days when you feel better, you might over-do and have 3 days in bed
because of it. Moderation always!
Don't ever apologize for not being able to do something, or not meeting an expectation of someone else because of your pain, or canceling plans, etc. YOU have done NOTHING wrong.
Although others may not understand pain and how difficult it is, I know how
it affects me. Unless someone has literally locked in my shoes and know
how it feels to be in pain I really don't care about their opinions.
Although I am in pain constantly everyday it does not define who I am.
Own your pain and let nobody convince you to do anything you are not completely knowledgeable of. I didn’t own mine at first, resulting in irreparable damage. Now, I insure all care givers involved know my position and my limits. And having a forum like this to support and inform those positions is priceless.
Thanks for reading and be well. 😉
YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS! We need connection like this interface to realize we are all in this together!!!
What Did You Join Chronic Pain Team?
Is There A Movement To Join To Increase Awareness And Get Laws Passed To Protect The Chronic Pain Patient?
Ketamine For Pain