"My last 3 days I've had a dizzy feeling and humming sound in the back of my head. Sweating, not sleeping well, and my pain level is higher than normal. My hubby thinks that I am doing way more than I am used to. This is so true!" - member of MyChronicPainTeam
MyChronicPainTeam, the social network and online support group for those living with chronic pain, members talk about a range of personal experiences and struggles. Sweating is one of the top topics most discussed.
Here are some question-and-answer threads about sweating:
• I'm struggling with hot flashes. Does anyone have advice?
• Do you have sweating issues regardless of the temperature in your environment?
• Does anybody have excessive sweating at times?
Here are some conversations about sweating:
• They asked me to try cutting my 8-hour meds to every 12 hours.
Can you relate?
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Most People Might Not Know This But Don’t Brush It Off As Menopause A Lot Of People Even Me Because Of The Pain It Makes My Sweat Glands Jus
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A MyChronicPainTeam Member
Sorry for your dilemma. I have the same problems. The doctor discovered my blood pressure was way too low. Tried everything now she put me on medication. She ran so many blood test it's a wonder I… read more
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